Wednesday, February 10, 2010

valentine day here we come ♥♥

cepatla khamis...xsabar nak jumpa my sayang yang da sebulan x jumpa..OMG,,it has been really long time for me :( rindunyaaaa!!!
of course we are not celebrating that 'valentine day'..its just the title of the movie actually..tgk trailer macam best je..harap2 best laa..hehehe
i,m a big fan of ashton kutcher...cerita xbest pun jd best..hahaha...
BTW enjoy the movie for
uols :)

till then girlS


nusk said...

tlg tgk utk aku;)

me_ain said...

gyah..anyway xbest complicated n ending every couple tergantung..2 bintang je aku as usual,,ashton kutcher je yg bg hidup sket citer tu.