Monday, November 24, 2008

Maaf Semua

First of all,maaf semua..kadang2 rasa terpinggir.Kadang2 rasa da tak penting,,tapi mungkin perasaan aku je macam ni..its complicated to explain..but its ok..yelah,dah banyak kali menyusahkan orang..kejap ini,,kejap itu,,kejap pun da menyampah agaknye,,lagipun aku ni da xde transport mcm dulu2 bleh on je setiap masa..sekarang time aku,,terima jelah..anyway maaf pada semua k.aku menghargai semua jasa dan pertolongan semua.semoga Allah dapat membalasnya..

p/s : to imah : jgn tension2 k..comment aku tu abaikan je.sorry k.
to gyah : thanks a lot for everything..just ignore me.

Friday, November 21, 2008

kawen oh kawen,,

sempena ngan membe2 aku nak kawen nih,,aku tumpang gembira dengar berita ramai yang menghitung hari je lagi,,harap2 semuanya berjalan lancar,,yang mana aku berkesempatan, aku pergi,,yang mana aku xpergi tu jgn plak kecik ati eh,,bukan niat xnak pergi,,tapi paham2 je la kerja cam aku nih bukan bleh selamba je amik cuti bnyak kali,,tambah2 last2 minit ni,, memanjang..letih dah aku,,hehehe,(bila nak kaya xtau r)hehehe..hopefully pas kawen pun kita still contact lagi sampai ke anak cucu,,luv u all :)

*have a memorable wedding day*

Sunday, November 9, 2008


Men-strual pain
Men-tal illness

Saturday, November 8, 2008

actually,,jali bg lagu ni kat aku,,hahaha

Do you hear me,

I'm talking to you

Across the water across the deep blue ocean

Under the open sky oh my,

baby I'm trying

Boy I hear you in my dreams

I feel your whisper across the sea

I keep you with me in my heart

You make it easier when life gets hard

I'm lucky I'm in love with my best friend

Lucky to have been where I have been

Lucky to be coming home again



They don't know how long it takes

Waiting for a love like this

Every time we say goodbye

I wish we had one more kiss

I'll wait for you

I promise you,

I will

I'm lucky I'm in love with my best friend

Lucky to have been where I have been

Lucky to be coming home again
I'm lucky we're in love in every way

Lucky to have stayed where we have stayed

Lucky to be coming home someday

And so I'm sailing through the sea

To an island where we'll meet

You'll hear the music,

feel the air

I'll put a flower in your hair

Though the breezes through trees

Move so pretty you're all

I seeAs the world keeps spinning round

You hold me right here right now

I'm lucky I'm in love with my best friend

Lucky to have been where I have been

Lucky to be coming home again

I'm lucky we're in love in every way

Lucky to have stayed where we have stayed

Lucky to be coming home someday