Friday, April 9, 2010
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
sooo adorable..cant wait for arrival from week da bleh melaram..hehehe
till then girlS,,
Posted by me_ain at Tuesday, March 02, 2010 4 comments
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
valentine day here we come ♥♥
cepatla khamis...xsabar nak jumpa my sayang yang da sebulan x jumpa..OMG,,it has been really long time for me :( rindunyaaaa!!!
of course we are not celebrating that 'valentine day'..its just the title of the movie actually..tgk trailer macam best je..harap2 best laa..hehehe
i,m a big fan of ashton kutcher...cerita xbest pun jd best..hahaha...
BTW enjoy the movie for
uols :)
till then girlS
Posted by me_ain at Wednesday, February 10, 2010 2 comments
Saturday, February 6, 2010
door gift

hehehe..(biarla org xsuka pun yang penting..i like!!)heheh
till then girlS,,
Posted by me_ain at Saturday, February 06, 2010 4 comments
big fight!!
Tengok tajuk pun org da paham ngan perangai aku ni..heheh..tapi kelmarin mmg *the biggest fight ever* i think la..biasa laa..bila sebut bab marriage terus berlaku salah faham..(actually kitorg kalau mention je bab2 kawin ni mesti ada je xkena esp aku la,,)nak cepat..nak cepat..but finally aku rasa mcm a litlle bit push over plak..sian gak kat dia..last2 aku yang seek 4 appologize..apa2 pun dia cakap we try to make it this year,,yay!!! Hopefully our dream come true..
BTW aku nih mmg jenis yg over excited sket bab2 majlis sekarang pun da start survey2 barang and baru plan nak blaja buat bunga dip,,ntah bila nak start aku pun x tau..kena cepat bergerak ni..haih,,eerrmm tapi xada mmbe plak nak
till then girlS
Posted by me_ain at Saturday, February 06, 2010 0 comments
Thursday, January 21, 2010
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